
  • Feb142022

    Where Business Communication And Courtship Overlap

    Last week I received the below testimonial. It’s anonymous as I agreed with the sender that we’d use it on…

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  • Sep232021

    Why Public Speaking Makes Us Nervous

    In life its always interesting hearing about fears and phobias that don’t apply to you. Understanding what makes our fellow…

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  • Jun152021

    Where joke and presentation structures collide

    As Covid restrictions are (hopefully) ending soon, a handy job might be to review your sales deck or a forthcoming…

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  • Mar092021

    How a hit of oxytocin can help you in business

    Oxytocin is commonly known as the love drug- as it’s the hormone your brain releases when you hold hands with…

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  • Feb122021

    The Smirk Files – Nathan Caton

    width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write"> The Smirk Files are a chance for us to have a chat with…

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  • Jan212021

    People Buy People

    I’d been a comic for a few years, but this gig was making me very nervous. It was about to…

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